CAWeb Publishing release 1.1.1 contains several visual and formatting changes and includes new enhancements.
Current Changes
Formatting Changes
Mega Drop Down version 4.0
We have made some minor formatting changes to the Mega Drop Down menu. However, when displaying several drop down items in the list it is up to the Web master to ensure that they are using the correct size for each menu item. If the pixel widths do not match the menu may not display as desired.
Page Width
The width of the page, previously set to 85%, is now set to 90%.
Gradient line removed
The Gradient line in State Template version 4.0 has been removed from the Header Menu.
CAWeb Option Labels
The CAWeb Options page labels are now right justified for easier viewing.
CAWeb Options URL's
On the CAWeb Options page, the URLs for images no longer show the entire URL. Now, only the file name is displayed.
Remove Divi paragraph spacing
In many of the modules, too much vertical spacing being between paragraphs was the result of combined CSS for Divi and the core State Template. To reduce the spacing, we have removed the Divi CSS spacing style between paragraphs.
Post Heading H1, H2 and H3 options
For a post we have now added the ability to set the formatting for the Post Heading. The Web Master is now able to display the Post Heading in either H1, H2 or H3.
Intranet Search Display
For Intranet-enabled sites, we do not activate Google Search. Instead we use the built-in WordPress search feature. The WordPress search results page formatting has now been updated so it is much easier to read.
Custom Module Icons
On the Insert Module listing page, the CAWeb custom modules now show the CAWeb icon to easily differentiate them from the standard Divi modules. A few examples are circled below:
Version 4.5
The option to select version 4.5 has been removed. All site template upgrades from version 4.0 will be to version 5.0 (or higher as new versions are released).
Clear Background color
For modules with a background color, no color (clear) is now a valid setting. The “Invalid Color” message will display but the module will save with the color cleared.
Post Detail Module
The Post Detail module has been removed from the available modules for a Page. This module was created for use on a Post only and will remain available for Post Entries.
Media Replace
We have added the Enable Media Replace plugin to CAWeb Publishing. This new feature allows you to replace a file in your media library by uploading a new file in its place without affecting the URL. No more deleting, renaming and re-uploading files! With this feature, PDFs, images and other documents are updated without impacting the URL, thus reducing “page not found” errors for you site visitors. For more information on the use of this feature, visit the Enable Media Replace plugin page on
Standard Section with Full Width Image
The web master is now able to expand the image of a Standard Carousel to full width. This allows the items in the carousel to align to the standard page with the image displayed to full width.
A Section Carousel with a background color and a full width background image.
FullWidth Header Banner Slideshow
We have fixed the FullWidth Header Banner Slideshow feature under version 4.0. Most sites were not impacted by this issue unless you have recently tried to make changes to this module or images used by the module.