
The journey to becoming a CAWeb Publishing customer has five basic steps:

  1. Site Assessment (2-4 weeks)
  2. Subscription (1-2 weeks)
  3. Initial Site Build (1-2 days)
  4. Site Migration or Build (customer dependent)
  5. Go Live (2 days)
Please reach out to your Account Lead if you have questions during the onboarding process. Find your lead in the Account Lead Directory.

1. Site Assessment

You may request a Site Assessment via ServiceNow.

  1. Log into ServiceNow.  You need an account in order to access ServiceNow. Contact your account lead for assistance.
  2. Select: Request a Service.
  3. Select Type of Service: CAWeb Publishing Service
  4. Service Options:

a) Site Assessment and Subscription (if you want a stream-lined onboarding experience using a single Service Request) or
b) Site Assessment (if you want the site assessment only, without committing to the monthly service subscription).

Site Assessment includes:

  • Customer contact information
  • Summary of critical finding
  • Front-end production site inventory
  • Other Content & Configurations
  • Legally Required Content Publishing
  • Bandwidth and Page View Analytics
  • Customer 3rd Party Front End Security or CDN
  • Content Migration Process (Remove step 4 and break into another page to link to this part)
  • Other Issues Identified
  • Administrator Account to be created information

The findings will be compiled into an Assessment Report which will be delivered to the customer for review prior to the Assessment Report Review Meeting.

The customer’s Account Lead will schedule a meeting to coincide with the completion of the Site Assessment. During this meeting the Assessment Report will be discussed in detail with the customer including any issues that need to be addressed before moving on to the next step.

2. Subscription

CAWeb Publishing will prepare a Statement of Work (SOW) based on the findings from the Site Assessment.

The SOW will identify the full scope of work necessary to complete a build of the customer’s current website within the CAWeb Publishing Service.  The SOW is a key document that will be attached to the Site Assessment & Subscription (or Subscription) service request.

After reviewing and approving the SOW you can:

  1. If you selected option a in Step 1 (the combo SR), you simply attach the SOW to the SR.
  2. If you selected option b above (Site Assessment only) please open a new ticket to request the next step: Subscription.

SOW includes:

  • Website build deliverables
  • Out of scope items and notes how to address them.
  • Customers responsibilities during website build
  • Customer responsibilities required to maintain the website
  • Estimated project timeline
  • Project costs (CDT Rates)

3. Initial Site Build

CAWeb Publishing initially creates:

  • Homepage
  • Navigation links.

The remaining site content build and layout is the responsibility of the customer.

The CAWeb Publishing team provides an introductory training class to all customers at no additional charge. A training session will be scheduled for all new customers through your account lead as part of the On-Boarding process. Additionally, the following resources are provided via this Training Resources as reference materials.

4. Site Migration or Build

Prior to migration or build we recommend a site clean-up.

All websites (new or existing) require “migration services” to bring site content into a CAWeb Publishing WordPress site. The process requires manual effort and often significant time and labor. The CAWeb Publishing team does not perform these content migration or content provisioning services.

Because of the sometimes difficulty and complexity of this migration effort, State agencies will need to hire a vendor to do the migration for them. To help State agencies find potential vendors for this migration work, and to provide CAWeb Publishing requirements for this type of contract, please visit the following:

5. Go Live

Before we make the switch to production:

  • Customer signs off on being ready to go live with their new site.
  • We freeze changes for 24-48 hours.
  • And, finally we make the DNS change, this replaces the old site with the new one.