Hello CAWeb Publishing Customers,
Gavin Newsom will be sworn in at 11:00 AM this morning so you will need to update the Governor profile modules on your websites.
You will need to do the following:
- Change the Governor name from Jerry Brown to Gavin Newsom
- For the image URL use the following
Using this URL will set the image to a Governor Seal until there is an approved picture for Gavin Newsom. Once the image is approved your site will systematically be updated if you us this URL for the image location. Do not download this image to your site and use it from your library. Simply add this URL for the image.
3 If you did not use a profile banner module and used an image for the entire module then you may want to switch to the recommended Profile Banner module at this time. if you previously used a complete image there is no way to systematically update your site later unless you switch to the Profile banner and use the link provided above.
CAWeb Publishing Team.