Version 1.4.15 Accessibility Hot Fix Released

1.4.15 Released 6/13/2019

We have updated the CAWeb Publishing theme to version 1.4.15. The CAWeb Publishing Service team has completed these updates during our published Preventative Maintenance window, 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The features being provided are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns contact us at

For this release we are on Divi version 3.23.3

Accessibility and State Template Fixes

  1. We have fixed the focus feature for the Divi Toggle module.
  2. For TablePress focus was not enabled for the columns. This has now been resolved.
  3. Resolved the tabbing issue for second level navigation items.
  4. For the MailPoet plugin we have fixed the Focus and color contrast issues.
  5. We have fixed the tabbing focus and color contrast for the WPForms Plugin.
    1. Note: One item we are not able to resolve is the Date picker feature for date fields. We are sending a request to the plugin owners to try and get this resolved. If you have users enter dates you may have to change the field type to a text field until the Plugin owners resolve the issue.
    2. If you are using the Phone field make sure you have it set to U.S. and not Smart. The Smart feature causes numerous errors and should not really be required for a California website.
  6. Resolved tabbing focus issues with the Divi Blurb module.
  7. For the Section Carousel module we have fixed tabbing focus and Alternative text (Image Fit).
  8. For the site Search, the focus tabbing was not functioning correctly and has now been fixed.

Other Items

  1. We have incorporated the new State Template change for the search text to now read “Search this Site”  rather than “Custom Search”
  2. The Profile Banner module CSS ID and CSS Class were not functioning.  This has now been resolved.
  3. Added to the bottom of each page:  “Powered by CAWeb Publishing Service”
  4. For the Section Carousel, a text block was appearing for an image even if the image did not include a title or description. The text box is now suppressed when both the title and description are empty.