Version 1.4.19 Accessibility Hot Fix Released

1.4.19 Released 9/19/2019

We have updated the CAWeb Publishing theme to version 1.4.19. The CAWeb Publishing Service team has completed these updates during our published Preventative Maintenance window, 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The features being provided are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns contact us at

For this release we are on Divi version 3.28

Accessibility and State Template Fixes

  1. Resolved the duplicate Element ID for the Post List Module.
  2. Resolved the duplicate Element ID for the Video Module.
  3. Resolved the duplicate Element ID for the Divi Search Module
  4. Removed the redundant call out of the Navigation Role.

CAWeb Feature Additions and Fixes

  1. We added the SnapChat Social share button to the CAWeb Options Social Share icons.  This allows SnapChat to be added to the Header and Footer bars.
  2. We fixed the Back To Top link that is at the bottom of each page.  Previously this was not working correctly if your site had the Sticky Navigation turned on.
  3. Fixed the formatting of the News List Author and Date published elements.  This is part of the Post List Module with the setting of the list type of News.
  4. We added the XLSM as a valid MIME type.