1.4.19 Released 9/19/2019
We have updated the CAWeb Publishing theme to version 1.4.19. The CAWeb Publishing Service team has completed these updates during our published Preventative Maintenance window, 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The features being provided are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns contact us at cawebpublishingservice@state.ca.gov.
For this release we are on Divi version 3.28
Accessibility and State Template Fixes
- Resolved the duplicate Element ID for the Post List Module.
- Resolved the duplicate Element ID for the Video Module.
- Resolved the duplicate Element ID for the Divi Search Module
- Removed the redundant call out of the Navigation Role.
CAWeb Feature Additions and Fixes
- We added the SnapChat Social share button to the CAWeb Options Social Share icons. This allows SnapChat to be added to the Header and Footer bars.
- We fixed the Back To Top link that is at the bottom of each page. Previously this was not working correctly if your site had the Sticky Navigation turned on.
- Fixed the formatting of the News List Author and Date published elements. This is part of the Post List Module with the setting of the list type of News.
- We added the XLSM as a valid MIME type.