CAWeb Publishing 1.5.5 Released 6/21/2021

We have updated the CAWeb Publishing theme to version 1.5.5. The CAWeb Publishing Service team has completed these updates. The features being provided are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns contact us at

For this release we are on Divi version 4.9.7

CAWeb Accessibility and State Template Fixes

  1. We removed the A11Y issues relating to the arrows for the Slider module.
  2. Previously the default 404 page had search box as part of the page and this had issues with A11Y compliance.  To resolve the issue we simply removed the search box from the default 404 page.
  3. Screen readers were calling out the copyright twice.  This has been resolved.
  4. Screen readers were calling out Google Translate twice.  This has been resolved.
  5. We replaced the Search placeholder text from “Search this Website” to “Search.  This was to resolve a A11Y issue.
  6. Added a default Title for Section Carousel (Standard and Fullwidth)
  7. Added a default profile Link text for the profile module.
  8. Added the Lang attribute for Divi projects.
  9. Divi page level
    1. Removed xmlrpc error that was occurring on all pages.
    2. Removed Divi ViewPort meta
  10. For the Blurb module the Alt Text is now pulled from the media library if an image is added.
  11. Fixed tablist attribute for the Tab Module
  12. Divi Title text added to the following modules
    1. Section Footer (standard & FullWidth)
    2. Person
    3. Slider
    4. Image
  13. Added Alternative text to the Image Module
  14. Added missing Title text for
    1. Course Post Detail map iframe
    2. Event Post Detail map iframe
    3. Exam Post Detail map iframe