CAWeb Publishing 1.5.6 Released 8/16/2021

We have updated the CAWeb Publishing theme to version 1.5.6. The CAWeb Publishing Service team has completed these updates. The features being provided are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns contact us at

For this release we are on Divi version 4.9.10

CAWeb Accessibility and State Template Fixes

  1. Height and Width settings have been resolved for the SlideShow Banner Module.
  2. Spacing on the Navigation bar has been resolved for sites with large number of menu items.
  3. For Mega menus items in Mobile mode the description has been suppressed.
  4. Sticky Navigation obstructing elements has been fixed.
  5. Search Results color contrast are now A11Y compliant.
  6. Color contrast for selected Tabs are now A11Y compliant.
  7. Geo Locator In the Utility header has been fixed and now displays on each page when activated.
  8. Enabled the following functions for the code module
    1. aria-expanded
    2. aria-haspopup
    3. omkeydown
    4. onkeypress
    5. onkeyup
    6. onclick
    7. onfocus
    8. onfocusin
    9. onfocusout
    10. onmousedown
    11. onmouseup
    12. onmouseover