CAWeb Publishing 1.10.6 Released 01/08/2024
We updated the CAWeb Publishing theme to version 1.10.6 on 1/08/2024. The CAWeb Publishing Service team made these updates during our published Preventative Maintenance window, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The features being provided are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at
For this release we are on Divi version 4.23.4
CAWeb Accessibility and State Template Fixes
- Upgraded WordPress to 6.4.2
- Upgraded Divi to 4.23.4
- Resolved a couple PHP warning messages within the CAWeb theme.
- Made changes to Alerts to better show if they are active or not.
- Made changes to ensure the following CAWeb Options/Settings cannot be escaped
- Utility Header
- Custom Link Labels
- Page Header
- Organization Logo-Alt Text
- Google
- Search Engine ID
- Analytics ID
- Analytics 4 ID
- Tag Manager ID
- Site Verification Meta ID
- Social Media Links
- Hover Text
- Alert Banners
- Label
- Read More Button Text
- Additional Features
- Body Classes
- Page Container Classes
- Main Content Classes
- Utility Header