test accordion – XG

Frequently Asked Questions


How do automatic template updates work? Can customers opt-in at a later time?

Changing the template is easily accomplished via a drop-down menu in the Administrator’s CAWeb Options menu. Switching to a new State Template is entirely the customer’s decision. Make the switch when you are ready.  This may require some changes to your website as different template versions support different features.

What features are available in CAWeb Publishing?

All the standard WordPress features and Divi are available to you. However, the Divi Visual Builder is not available at this time. We have also added CAWeb specific modules to the Divi library to support State Template functionality. Additionally we have added extra features to CAWeb Publishing which you can read about by clicking additional CAWeb Publishing features.

Is the authoring site responsive?

Yes. On a smartphone, the UX is very nice. However, the Divi layouts work better on a tablet. A WordPress app is available as well. We find the responsive web site easier to use than the app.

Can customer embed iframe code?

Yes, via a code embed plugin.

Is front end JavaScript supported?

Yes, via a code embed plugin.

Is the authoring security two factor? If not, what PW standards are enforced?

Two-factor authentication is supported via a plugin. PW standards are:

  • Strong passwords generated by default.
  • Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
  • User default passwords must be changed upon first login.
  • Passwords must be changed immediately if compromised.
  • Blank or empty passwords are prohibited.
  • Passwords must contain characters from at least three of the following four classes:
Classes Example
upper case letters A, B, C, …Z
lower case letters a, b, c, … z
Numerals 0, 1, 2, …
non-alphanumeric “special characters” punctuation marks and other symbols

Is there workflow approval for multiple approvers?

Yes. This functionality is accomplished via a plugin Oasis Workflow Pro or Revision Pro.

Can I embed an application into a web page?

Yes, this functionality is enable via a plugin.

What browsers are supported when updating content?

The Authoring environment supports these browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox 57+
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari (excludes Safari 5)
  • Edge
  • Opera

The viewing of your site pages is supported on all modern browsers.

Is the accordion content type available on CAWeb as it is on the Static State Template v4.

Yes, the accordion content type and all Template 5.5 features are available in CAWeb.

Can we limit content authoring to certain devices/locations?

Yes,  we do not allow authoring from IP’s outside the U.S. and additional authoring access can be restricted by IP address.

Is Global Find and Replace available for links and other text?

​Yes. But your request must be submitted via a ServiceNow Website Features request Work Order and performed by the CAWeb team.

Is FTP or another access method available to automatically put files on the server?

Yes, import/export but not FTP.

Is custom CSS supported?


Will this allow cut and paste into templates from MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint?

Yes but make sure you turn off the MS formating as you import it.

Is there an ordering system for publications?

Do you mean is there a shopping cart feature? WordPress plugins are available to enable shopping cart (eCommerce) functionality.

Can external facing applications integrate with the system?

Yes, via the WordPress API.

Can customer's include their databases?


Are HTTP URL redirects supported for links in thousands of PDF files.

No, not in PDF documents.

Can customer edit the HTML code?

​Yes and no. Non-interactive client-side markup and code can be added by customer site administrators.

Is there the ability to create web based forms?

​Yes, you can create  “contact us” forms and many, many others with a plugin called WP Forms.

Is it possible to create password protected (non-public) area?


Will my site URLs change when migrating to the new service?

The primary URL can remain the same but it is likely that most subsequent pages will have new URL’s.

Are online forms available?


Is jQuery supported?
